Drama Review: Dare Ka Ni Hanashitaku Naru Yamamoto Shugoro Higawari Dorama






Drama Digest

Dare Ka Ni Hanashitaku Naru Yamamoto Shugoro Higawari Dorama (だれかに話したくなる山本周五郎日替わりドラマ) is a Japanese drama series that came out on the 9th of January, 2022, to the 14th of January, 2022. Completed under the direction of Shugoro Yamamoto and written for the screen by Hisatake Kikkawa, the drama revolves around an eccentric married couple. Each segment continues for over thirty minutes, with an impressive total of five episodes.

The Feel-Good Part

The series remains inspired by the novels “Hatashijo” (はたし状), “Dorobo to Wakatono” (泥棒と若殿), “Banshu” (晩秋), and “On’na wa Onaji Monogatari” (女は同じ物語) by Shugoro Yamamoto (山本周五郎). And it already has a loyal fanbase. With such fandom, it guarantees the variety of goodness in the series. Fans commented on their sturdy urge to cry at the ending, saying how well-crafted the directors pulled the scenes.

The Disappointing Factor

One of the first things that struck the fans was the different execution of endings in the novel and the television show. They have voiced how the former had more potential than the latter, where the explanation lies blatantly.

In-Depth Analysis

The story centers around the life of an odd couple. The man garners a fierce hatred for all the women in the town but ends up marrying one of them. It happens when he becomes aware of the attitude his mother fostered for the bride. What follows next is the settling in of both. It inspires the audience to start conversations with people they pass by in their daily lives.

Star Power

The cast includes Kaji Yuki as Rodoku, Masaki Reiya as Imaizumi Daini/ Denkuro, Nishiyama Jun as Fujishima Einosuke/ Shigenobu, Nakajima Hiroki as Yagi Chikuma/ Sameshima Heima, Arai Iku as Wada Shino, Ino Manabu as Murohisa Saemon, Sato Ryo as Tsuru, Ogi Shigemitsu as Shindo Kazue, Tsukamoto Yukio as Mizuno Geki, Mikami Ichiro as Kaji Ryujimon, and Ijima Ku as Sano Yohei.

Overall Opinion

If you are someone who enjoyed the mini-novel or novella, you should not miss out on the mini-series. Since it stretches over half an hour, it becomes an ideal watch on a bus or for lazy evenings.