Drama Review: 8.2 Byo No Hosoku






Drama Digest

Amai Koichi is a skilled baker and confectioner who tries to aid ikemen (good looking, handsome guys). 8.2 seconds of staring into each other’s eyes will cause two people to fall in love. Amai is drawn to guys because he gazes at them and develops feelings for them. Every episode’s love interest has a problem, so Amai bakes treats for them in an effort to be of assistance.

The Feel-Good Part

Shuzo is a sweet little baby baker who, yep, is the Shuzo from TikTok and Instagram. He only wants to find love, but he keeps unintentionally aiding the boys he likes by baking them delectable pastries… The worst farce of them all is that they just consume one taste of what he has prepared before leaving. Most of them go without even saying goodbye to Shuzo! With her appearances in each episode for 30 seconds, Shuzo’s sister effectively carries the entire show.

The Disappointing Factor

Time is being wasted with this show. The program simply lacked substance or anything noteworthy. I wished I could have used my fifty minutes to see anything else. I was hoping that the program would be fantastic and that something interesting would happen, but sadly, none of those things happened, and instead, the show was dull and repetitious. The premise appeared to be nice, and I will grant that it was a solid idea, but it was badly carried out. I didn’t enjoy this aspect because the “couple” is created at the very last second and you don’t even get to watch them come together; you don’t even have the gratification of a BL.

In-Depth Analysis

This drama follows Amai Koichi. He’s a skilled patissier, and he enjoys baking several sweet treats. He also tries to provide relief and help ikemen, i.e., handsome, and good-looking guys, who are stuck with several obstacles in their lives and have no solution to their problems. It is said that staring into another person’s eyes for even as long as 8.2 seconds would lead to attraction, and they would ultimately fall in love at the end. As Amai gazes into the eyes of the handsome and good-looking men, he slowly starts developing feelings for them and falling for them. He prepares baked goods and aids in helping them solve their problems.

Star Power

Ohira Shuzo, who plays Amai Koichi, is the main cast member of the entire series and carries it forward admirably. The other supporting cast members, like Yamashita Coki, who plays Mori Kazuma, also give wonderful performances.

Overall Opinion

It only lasts for around 50 minutes, so it’s an excellent option if you’re bored and want to admire Shuzo’s gorgeous face for a while watching him prepare cuisine that is both visually lovely and educational. But if you came here looking for a complex story or insightful characters, I’d suggest you choose something else. Pure fluff that is adorable and aesthetically pleasing