Drama Review: The Long Night






Drama Digest

The story starts with the suspect disposing of the body in a suitcase in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses around. It was a clear-cut case with the suspect agreeing on being the real culprit. But when the case was ready to be presented in the court, the prosecutor realizes that the case is not what it seems, it was just a cover for a bigger injustice happening. He has now spent 10 years of his life on this case, trying to uncover the truth.

The Feel-Good Part

The twelve episodes give the right amount of time for the whole setup to catch up and solve the mystery. The show doesn’t feel too long and not too short.

The Disappointing Factor

If we are talking about Asian dramas, you can find other dramas with better production and plot. So, this particular drama doesn’t give an exceptional reason to choose it over any other show.

In-Depth Analysis

The Long Night may seem like just a murder mystery but it is so much more than that. It talks about many deep topics which some people may not know about but they happen somewhere in society. It talks about human trafficking, prostitution, and the rape of school girls. These topics are disturbing but so very real. It also talks about government officials getting involved in these and how some people get out of these inhuman cases without any harm.

The murder happens in 2010 and the prosecutor spent 10 years in the case, the story switches between 2010 and the present time. Also, there are two more cases somehow attached to the story.

Star Power

The star cast is top-notch. Every character is well played and you feel like punching some annoying people through the screen because they were that good in their character that you believe them to be the real people.

Overall Opinion

The drama is good. It doesn’t give you a reason to choose it but it is not at all a bad show. it is worth giving a try and with all the illegal things it brings to the front you should definitely give it a try.