Drama Review: Remember My Boy






Drama Digest

Zhang Yang and Zhou Jing Mang, who are classmates from high school, are complete opposites. While Zhou Jing Mang is innocent and too trusting, Zhang Yang is brazen, a practical joker, frequently greedy, and even belligerent at times.

The Feel-Good Part

The main lead’s background as a dancer and his impressive skills are the sole distinctive aspects of this play. As a result, you get to see some fantastic dance moves. One of the couples is really adorable, but we don’t get to see them together very often.

The Disappointing Factor

A moment melodrama is challenging because it requires careful execution to keep viewers interested and invested. This drama primarily centred on 2007 (high school) and ended each episode with five minute snippets from 2015 (after college). The issue was that 2015 overtook 2007 in terms of interest. It was such a shame that shows that should have finished in 30 minutes but instead appeared to drag on forever during the 2007 time period.

In-Depth Analysis

Zhang Yang, a student from high school, and Zhou Jing Mang are extreme contrasts. While Zhou Jing Mang is gullible and excessively trusting, Zhang Yang is brazen, a practical joker, frequently self-centered, and occasionally even belligerent. At first, Zhang Yang starts to play pranks on Zhou Jing Mang in his typical way as they get to know one another better at school, tricking her into saying something embarrassing over the school tannoy system. However, they gradually begin to become attached to one another and begin to appreciate one another. But may this ultimately result in love? In the meantime, students Shen Li Hua Feng Wan He, Ling Chen, and others are starting their own explorations.

Star Power

Even though the plot has some holes, it’s still worth watching because it inspires hope and serves as something of an eye opener for those of us who believe that top students are born brilliant and don’t experience problems. It also shows how they can fall in love with someone who struggles in class and how to deal with either being a good or bad student.

Overall Opinion             

Overall, the plot is around a stereotypical nerd lady and bad boy or opposite of nerd guy, their friendship, school, and how they work through problems together.