Drama Review: Hello, My Noisy MP3







The star Zhao Man Er, who is over 30, could record conversations with her 11-year-old self using an MP3 from the past. She didn’t intend to push her past and present selves deeper into a dilemma when she felt she could finally utilize this to alter her awful life and eliminate the dark history now threatening her.

The Feel-Good Part

The other more critical portions of the plot come to a close in the middle of a romance drama. Except for the final two episodes, the past timeline receives a more significant portion of screen time.

The Disappointing Factor

I must admit that this drama’s concept is unique, but how was it carried out? Nope. It was a little disappointing because it began suspensefully but faded and stopped making any sense.

In-Depth Analysis

Actresses play the female principal roles. She is in her 30s and will be replaced with a more youthful actor. When she decides to spread rumors about that younger actress, the latter attempts suicide. A video or film of the female lead’s actions is delivered to her after she attends a high school event. After finding it, she discovers that her old mp3 can connect her to her former high school self. She begins to doubt every one of her high school pals.

She has two male friends (who like her) and two best buddies. One and her Yu Ming are often arguing. The other was once a little, fat boy, but he is now a tall, attractive man. The novel centers on how her high school attempted to mend the connections and the circumstances so that her future self might identify the blackmailer. Her high school years and the present-day actress are briefly shown.

Star Power

Only SML was present around the FL the entire time. This throws all narratives into chaos because the viewer thinks they are starting to date. The ML only appears briefly on screen, here and there. The synergy between the SML and FL was electric. The butterfly effect causes the ML to become the boyfriend. That’s correct, there is NO COURTSHIP, and they are like, “ZAP,” a couple. Nothing, not even a kiss or a confession!

Overall Opinion

It got boring going back and forth too much without making much progress. Like there was nothing that would have genuinely revealed who it was. She proceeded down the list. I was equally perplexed. I would only recommend this book for romance if there is more romance at the very end. It had potential, but soon the suspense and adrenaline died out. The underlying assumption is that the screenwriter was adrift and unsure of what to do or when to do it. Alas! It was so full of possibilities!