Drama Review: God of Deception





0 Hrs 20 Mins



Drama Digest

“God of deception” also known as “Shi Huang Zhi Shen” is a Chinese animated show. It tells the Story of a student named Vuminlu. They adapted it from the manhua of the same name.

The Feel-Good Part

Looking at all the failures in Chinese animation that we have seen, this one was a successful release. If looked into in it, the show is a unique work and enjoyable as well. Compared to the ring with a low budget, the animation is quite impressive. The portrayal of emotions throughout the show is amazing. There are a few moments of humor in the show that make it interesting.

The Disappointing Factor

The show is not perfect and has some flaws as usual. Rating Chinese animated shows avoid many viewers from watching them. Most of them prefer the manhua over the animation.

In-Depth Analysis

Vuminlu has a habit of lying too much and now has attracted bad karma. He crosses a high school student and it will change his destiny forever. The story is set at the time after humanity has run out of all energy sources. They have found 12 new big cities which can evaluate their citizens’ deeds. After calculating Vuminlu’s deeds, was cast into the rank of bad guys. As an outcome, they decided to exterminate him and they sent punishers of Karma to kill him. But then an unknown person saves him, who assures Vuminlu that he knows the way to save him.

Star Power

The VAs are as underrated as the show, but they did a good job of voicing the characters. Also, the animators behind the animation made it remarkable.

Overall Opinion

Overall, it is a decent and well-balanced show. It would not give you extreme satisfaction as an animation but it is still a good show to watch. Compared to all the other Chinese animations, this one succeeded to some extent.