Article: Top 10 Anime Characters Who Sacrificed Life To Save The World

Sacrifice is the most extraordinary deed one could offer, whether it's for saving the world or for someone you love and admire. Sacrifice can sometimes fetch a character admiration and respect from the viewers. Here, we will talk about the top 10 anime characters who sacrificed life to save the world.

1. Kirito (Sword Art Online)

Kirito is the main character of Sword art online. His gaming skills are fantastic, and he was among the top beta testers. He is bright and in mad love with Asuna, whom he also rescues from a game in the second season.

2. Tatsumi (Akame Ga Kill!)

Tatsumi did not hesitate to sacrifice his life against the emperor to save people from destruction. He was persuaded to watch his comrades die for the mission. He indeed saved the world through his actions and decisions.

3. Vanilla Ice (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Vanilla Ice gave a distinct definition of saving the world. He could get down his life for his master when asked. During the Crusader attack on the manor, he eliminated Avdol and held off Polnareff & Iggy while the left heroes pursued DIO.

4. Obito (Naruto)

Orbito had its play in the fight with Kaguya despite all the destruction he brought in the Shinobi war. He guarded Sakura and Naruto using Kamui and held all the attacks in their place despite knowing it would bring death for him.

5. Netero (Hunter X Hunter)

Netero fitted a bomb within himself to give meaning to his death, even if he failed his target. Meruem couldn't survive the aftermath radiation phase of the massive bombing that Netero triggered.

6. Akira (Devilman Crybaby)

Akira sacrificed his life to defeat his opponent and former friend, Ryo. He transformed into a firm demon to get his opponent down but gradually failed. They fought brutally and intensely but couldn't achieve Akira's victory.

7. Mikasa (Attack on Titan)

Mikasa gave up his love and endangered her life to save the planet. She was exceptionally in love with Eren, but when the time came, she was the one to kill his only love and reason for her existence.

8. All Might (My Hero Academia)

All Might sacrificed everything to stop All for one Kamino. Though his deed was to guard his country, Japan, if things had gone too far and the opponent had succeeded, it would have brought a global crime wave.

9. Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Greed turned his body to carbon to buy time for finishing Father in the final battle against the main antagonist of Fullmetal Alchemist. Thus, it resulted in Williling giving up his life to stop his father's evil.

10. Itachi (Naruto)

Itachi faced criticism and hate for wiping out his clan, including his love and parents. The real reason for his massacre was to stop a foreseen world war that would begin when his line would have launched a surprise attack betraying his allies that would ultimately result in a bloody war.