Anime Review: Kyoukai Senki




Anime Digest

Kyoukai Senki is a story set in the dystopian post-war era of Japan. After the war at the border was settled with the help of AI robots called AMAIM Japan was divided into 4 military regions. All these 4 military regions were trying to get control over the whole country. The Cold War between the 4 regions resulted in the Oppression of civilians in Japan. Amou Shiiba is a 16-year-old Orphan Boy who was secretly trying to rebuild an abandoned AMAIM, Konbu. By helping an autonomous AI, Amou somehow finds himself in the middle of a revolution to fight the oppression against his people.

The Feel-Good Part   

The only good part of the show is the mech designs. The AI robots, the mechs with pilot controls, drones, and all the technical stuff were designed near perfect. They all seem realistic and near-future tech designs rather than something from a time far away. But the rebellious and revolutionary feeling of the show is what makes it unique and relatable.

The Disappointing Factors

Sadly, the most important part of the show, the characters are the weakest point in this anime. The show had a great premise, but the characters were so bland and generic, they couldn’t carry the story. The plot had AMAIM, but they are used mainly as the subplot. The focus of the show is country politics which gets repetitive after a few episodes.

In-Depth Analysis

Kyoukai Senki: AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline is a basic story. The story revolves around a 16-year-old boy Amou, who due to misunderstanding is labeled a terrorist and removed from society. The story is based on dystopian post-war Japan which is divided into 4 regions fighting for control against each other. The Civil War resulted in the operation of Japanese civilians. After facing injustice Amou decides to fight against the oppressors and start a revolution. Even though the story looks promising, the characters and the writing did no justice to the story. The characters are either pure evil or pure good. There is no in-between. None of the characters have any kind of character development. The only good part about the show was the AI robots which were left to do nothing but provide Comic Relief. The design of the show looked unique and refreshing, but you can only go as far as this with an underdeveloped plot.

Star Power

The star power of the show is again the AI designs, which were refreshing and much more realistic. The idea of a revolution in a post-war world is a classic trope. A 16-year-old leading the rebellion is another interesting subpoint of the show.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Kyoukai Senki: AMAIM Warrior is a borderline-average show. The story is underdeveloped with bleak characters. The story is predictable with no character development. The only good thing about the show is its design and music. The characters aren’t exactly bad. But they don’t provide anything to the story. Still, if you are a fan of mech anime you may find this a little amusing.