Anime Digest
“The last summoner” is the English translation of “Zuihou de Zhaohuan Shi.” It is a Chinese animated series released in 2022. A young cook named Jie Ah encounters a spirit called Dora, who calls him master.
The Feel-Good Part
The drama has an excellent set of characters. The protagonist is fearless and sympathetic. And the goddess is a cute, and fun kind of character. We are curious about the upcoming scenes because of the fantastic plot. It is interesting to watch the twists and turns in the story. The variety provided in the show is also entertaining.
The Disappointing Factor
Poor animation is a disappointing factor for the show. The show was not made based on a particular age group and it’s hard to determine which age group falls under it. The ideas for the show were decent, but the execution was abysmal. The characters had no depth in them, and it’s disappointing.
In-Depth Analysis
Jie Ah is a talented young cook. One day he suddenly encounters a hungry girl who appears in his kitchen, and after that, his ordinary life changes forever. The girl who popped up is a summoned spirit and a cute goddess. Her name is Dora, and she calls the cook “master.” However, he was not interested and tried to get away from her, as she seemed to be a ghostly figure. But he becomes an accident by a summoner, and now, by fate, there is no turning back.
Star Power
The lead characters, voiced by Tanezaki Atsumi and Okamoto Nobuhiko, did a decent job of portraying the characters. Tanezaki brought out the fun and naughty character of the goddess well.
Overall Opinion
Overall, it is a good but not a great show. It can be watched as a break from a hectic day. Otherwise, the story is not up to expectations; the characters have no depth, and it does not convey a good plot.