Anime Digest
“Jade Dynasty” 2022 is a Chinese animated show adapted from the Chinese web novel Zhu Xian written by Xiao Ding. Jade Dynasty follows the typical format of a dramatic beginning and then proceeds through the journey of the Martial world. It was initially adapted into a live-action drama in 2016 by Noble aspirants and a video game of the same name.
The Feel-Good Part
War and chasing evil are themes that are followed by the subject of the anime. The show does not categorize good or evil, but it shows the lead character learning about the cults that call themselves good and the ones that they accused of being evil. The romance and love shown in the anime are true love. Knowledge about righteousness or evil is the primary purpose of the show. They did an excellent job of describing the good vs. evil criteria. The camera angles, visuals, and animation are top-notch. The show adaptation was accurate with the source. The climax in the last episode was a beautiful way to end the show.
The Disappointing Factor
Some of the group fights in the show are slow and have a weak impact. The action scenes of the show do not have much to offer. They left out many explanations about Xiao Fan’s weapon. The design for the female Lu Xueqi was plain and not up to expectations.
In-Depth Analysis
The story revolves around Zhang Xiaofan. He turns into an orphan overnight, and following that, he becomes a disciple of the Qingyun Sector. He undergoes training for five years and performs in the Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition. After that, he was sent to defeat the evil of Kongsang Mountain. But during the journey with his senior Lu Xueqi, they meet an accident. Then they get to know about the lady of the cult, Bi Yao, and save her. At the same time, new dangers are ahead of them.
Star Power
The voice actors played all the characters gracefully and were able to convey all the emotions accurately.
Overall Opinion
Overall, it is a wonderful Chinese animation adaptation of the web novel. It delivers the story perfectly and is faithful to the source. The story progress, visuals, and art are on point. This is an excellent investment and would not make the viewers regret it.