TV Show Review: Lucky INTO1





00 Hrs 20 Mins



Drama Digest –

Members of a successful group, INT01, come together for new games and mysterious punishments for big rewards. They show their fun and light side in this show which entertains the fans. They are a famous Chinese boy band that was formed after the 2021 reality show Produce Camp 2021 broadcasted on Tencent Video. This group has 11 members- Liu Yu, Santa, Rikimaru, Mika, Nine, Lin Mo, Bo Yuan, Zhang Jiayuan, Patrick, Zhou Keyu, and Liu Zhang. All of them are professionals in dancing and singing.

The Feel-Good Part –

The best part of the show is the script of games and surprises this series contains. Being new to the entertainment industry due to being formed recently, the musicians can handle the show’s aesthetics correctly and are successful in making and portraying good understanding and trust with each other. It also helps them gain a platform for new audiences to get interested in their music and produce potential fans for this boy band. The musicians complement each other, and they are the epitome of friendship for the viewers. It not only entertains the audience but gives them good values and enjoyment by watching the show.

The Disappointing Factor –

The biggest flaw of the show is definitely the factor of how short this series is. It could be less to know and connect with a new boy-band by the audience. As it is a new boy band, it could be quite difficult to gain traction as many people are not interested to watch shows which are based on unknown and fresh faces to them. The musical segment of the show is missing some parts and games and challenges are being performed by the members of the group. It would have added more amazement if more musicians collaborated in the show.

In-Depth Analysis –

This type of show’s framework has helped many fresh and known musicians of various levels to connect with the audience and their music reach new ears. While this series has become successful in “launching” INT01 on a global level, it has also been winning the fun and exciting fragment. While the punishments and rewards may sound painful and unnecessary, it fills the void between them and the audience, which indirectly helps their musical career and helps them stay relevant in the business.

Star Power –

Being an eleven-member group of boys, INT01 is quite a crowd. With different personalities and different talents, these boys come together to make exemplary music to entertain the fans. While Liu Yu was a Tik-Tok influencer mainly known in China, Santa was a member of the Japanese-Chinese boy-group WARP along Rikimaru. Mika was a part of another Japanese-American boy-band INTERSECTION, and Nine was a Thai-actor turned musician best known for his role in 2Moons series. Lin Mo was a member of Yi’an Music club and Bo Yuan was a contestant of Youth With You. Zhang was a contestant on the music band show The Coming One: SUPER BAND while Patrick is a German-Thai actor. Zhou was a member of group BEST and Liu Zhang was a contestant for Rap for Youth.

Overall Opinion –

It is a worthwhile watch for someone who loves to unravel and explore new kinds of music from new musicians and who end up becoming potential fans.