Movie Reviews: Set Play

1 Hrs 24 Mins




1 Hrs 24 Mins

Movie Digest

Sung-Chul is a secondary school under study who grew up dismissed. To bring in cash in an unforgiving society that neglected him, he collaborated with Gi-Joon, who is two years more youthful than him, to involve his status as a minor to bring in cash and look for a major blow. A dad who ventured out from home, a debilitated sibling, and a mother who really focuses on him. Seong-Cheol, who was deserted in loathsome reality, begins a frantic endurance in his own particular manner.

The Feel-Good Part

The concept that writers tried to bring out on the screen is really captivating. Each character is framed so co ordinately with the other one that not a single character felt out of the place. The cinematography is really done to the point. Costumes and the set scenario also really dwell well with the plot. The casting of the supporting characters is also done precisely it really is well suited.

The Disappointing factor

Lead actors have done better while delivering the performance as they really lack chemistry between them and also didn’t really did justice with the character. The edited also wasn’t polished one, glitches and lack of coordinated as well as clarity can be witnessed. As much as the concept of the story is really different from rest of stereotype plots. It isn’t presented well. The scenes and direction isn’t really don’t in sequence manner.

In-Depth Analysis

Sung-Chul met his kindred ki-joon today. They’re only two youthful careless secondary school young men. Sung-Chul never loved ki-jun however he wants him to bring in cash. Sung-Chul lays down with women and ki-jun takes photographs covertly to coerce. Sung-Chul makes the woman cry, ki-jun quiets her down, and haggles for the cash. They’re simply an ideal group. Nobody at any point tells Sung-Chul what to or not to do. His sibling became incapacitated by his intoxicated dad’s own hand, and from that point forward, Sung-Chul’s mom has frantically dealt with his sibling. On the edge of turning into a significant, Sung-Chul finds that his main companion You-sun laid down with ki-jun, and his mom attempts to put him out of their rental loft.

Star Power

Lee jae-kyoon and jang yoo sang both are great actors individually but sadly it seems like they both didn’t gave their best in bringing their respective character. In fact, not just individually as a pair too they both lack in the department of having that that sparkly chemistry. Speaking of the supporting characters they portrayed their character in perfect manner. After, seeing their performance it felt real its like they were living those moments in real life. While on the other hand both leads didn’t dive into the character really which made them unfit for the main lead of the movie.

Overall Opinion

If you can avoid bit of lack of presentation as well as editing considering your only focus in to witness something different and unique then go for it. This drama is indeed for you.