Movie Reviews: Lucky Chan Sil

1 Hrs 36 Mins




1 Hrs 36 Mins

Movie Digest

Lee Chan-sil is a film producer who loses her job after the director she has worked with for years dies unexpectedly. She begins working as a maid for an actress and meets her new boss’ French teacher. She feels immediately drawn to him. But she is held back by her troubles. Chan-sil is aware that old fears will resurface: her already-gone youth, messed-up love life, and damaged career.

The Feel-Good Part

The cinematography makes the movie extra enjoyable. The film uses comedy and magic realism to elevate the plot and experience.

The Disappointing Factor

The ending is open-ended. There is not any closure, so some might feel a little uneasy.

In-Depth Analysis

Lucky Chan-sil is the narrative of Chan-sil, a 40-year-old woman who must confront the repercussions of putting her job as a film producer ahead of the cultural expectations of Korean women. After losing her job unexpectedly at the beginning of the film, Chan-sil begins her journey of self-acceptance by confiding in the new people she encounters. The film employs romantic comedy and fantasy elements to produce a realistic but playful representation of a young woman’s struggle in Korean culture to pursue love and ambition. The director, Kim Cho-hee, used her insider knowledge of the industry to create a hilarious figure in turmoil and a story of transition and optimism without going overboard with movie snobbery. Lucky Chan-sil is one of those flicks that you find yourself slipping into as it progresses. You gradually immerse yourself in the character interactions.

Star Power

Actress Gang Mal-geum plays the role of Chan Sil. She did a great job embodying the character and brought out various emotions.

Overall Opinion

It is a good movie with lots of emotions and a strong plot. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea.