Movie Reviews: It Will Turn Out Well This Time

1 Hrs 36 Mins




1 Hrs 36 Mins

Movie Digest

The Covid 19 pandemic has touched Seung-hoon, a former adult movie director and the proprietor of a chicken restaurant, to the point where his family has had to bear the consequences of the issue. But things change for him when he witnesses a scene that inspires him to create a blockbuster and considers making a comeback, but it becomes difficult for him and he continues to be rejected, making things worse around him. Watch the movie to find out if things truly do get better for him and what happens afterwards.

The Feel–Good Part

The sarcastic portion of the film is displayed in such a way that it is relatable to the audience, which makes it feel wonderful. The film contains some emotional and serious elements, but the comic presentation nicely balances them out. The film also discusses the importance of hope for an individual, stating that no matter what stage of life you’re at, all you need is some hope.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie’s most disappointing aspect is that several of its humorous parts lack comedic sense and make the audience cringe. Furthermore, some of the actors’ overacting dull the experience.

In-Depth Analysis

As the title suggests, everything will end out better this time, implying a sense of hope and patience as the protagonist of the film navigates his way through life’s challenges. The film’s satirical tone also contributes to the story’s success, and the humorous element only adds to the viewer’s enjoyment of the experience. The way they depicted the adult film industry in the film is especially unique, as it delves thoroughly into the subject of how that industry operates while also being amusing.

Star Power

The film’s celebrity power is Kim Myoung Guk. Even if we talk about trump’s signature which is a red tie, even though it’s a minor detail, it has a significant impression on the role. Kim Myoung Guk plays the role of Trumpet who is a parody character of Donald Trump and he has taken care of the trump’s wardrobe well.

Overall Opinion

Overall, the film will make you feel good and instil optimism in you, and most significantly, it will make you laugh most of the time.