Movie Reviews: Bori

1 Hrs 50 Mins




1 Hrs 50 Mins

Movie Digest

Bori is a seven year old who lives in a sea village. She is the only family member who can hear. She becomes more accustomed to speaking with her friends in elementary school than she is speaking with her family in Korean Sign Language (KSL). This is an alienating experience for her as she tries to navigate her life communicating differently in these spaces. She often asks herself as to why she was the only person who was born different in her family.

The Feel-Good Part

The movie is tender and heartfelt despite the young girl’s struggle to fit in. The deaf community is represented respectfully, which is often rare to see. The way Bori’s family is represented is commendable as they show them as a family first; the deaf aspect is more of an afterthought despite being the main element of the film. Bori’s coming of age story is the central aspect of the story, the film watches her grow and learn thing about herself and differences that lie in a society. It’s a story of self-acceptance that is relatable. The film is really subtle with the way it tackles disability, it never treads into melodrama. The movie is grounded, honest and beautiful. The film is comforting and wholesome despite having its moments of tension just like most coming of age stories. The scenery is stunning and the sea village aesthetic captured is immersive. The story is very simple but its execution is excellent as all the emotions are delivered with ease, which hits the right spots. The conflict in the film may seem small but it is extremely effective to make audiences empathize with Bori’s struggle while still having the desire to watch her grow through her struggles. The movie never attempts to make itself bear the flag of representing the deaf community, it aims to be a deeply human story of a young girl’s struggle and delivers it with commitment

The Disappointing Factor

The movie can come across as boring to some members of the audience because of its slow pace.

In-Depth Analysis

The film is a great portrayal of coming of age stories and the growing pains that come with through the lens of disability. It is incredible to see people putting in the work to express marginalised communities on the big screen through deeply intimate films. The nature of the film is bright as it is told through the eyes of a young girl. Not only does the film do justice to its subject matter, it delivers on the characters and the family dynamic that exist within, which is delightful to watch.

Star Power

All the performances were excellent. The actors who play members of Bori’s family have great chemistry together and feel like a real family. The child actors are the star of the show and carry the film on their backs astonishingly well.

Overall Opinion

Bori is definitely a must watch and worth your time, irrespective of your personal preferences as it paints a picture of humanity with such clarity, that would resonate with many. It makes for a comforting watch after a long week.