Movie Reviews: Bipolar

1 Hrs 47 Mins




1 Hrs 47 Mins

Movie Digest

Kun, a young girl, arranges her voyage to Lhasa on her own and encounters a lobster along the way. This causes her to abruptly change her travel plans, and she later makes it her mission to release that lobster into the ocean by travelling across, which leads her to an unanticipated location. Watch the movie to experience her journey.

The Feel-Good Part

The feel-good aspect of the movie is its unique concept and cinematography, which depicts Tibet as a land of the dead in a lovely way throughout the movie.

The Disappointing Factor

The movie’s disappointing aspect is that it is primarily concerned with the concept of self-discovery and lacks a storyline. It will not, however, make it any less entertaining.

In-Depth Analysis

The film is primarily focused on the subject of self-discovery and provides it with a profound significance through its narrative and art direction. Some of the elements are also employed as symbols for things that people need in their daily lives, and the spectator can relate to them through the film’s narrative.

Star Power

Leah Dou gives an outstanding performance throughout the film, and she was perfectly cast for her part.

Overall Opinion

Overall, the movie is a unique experience that will take you on a unique voyage. You can watch it because of the distinctive art direction, and it will make you think about some important aspects of our existence.