Movie Reviews: Our 30-Minute Sessions

1 Hrs 54 Mins




1 Hrs 54 Mins

Movie Digest

Aki Miyata was a musician who was bright with infectious charm that died last year. Sota Kubota is a university student who is not good at socializing with people. One day, he picks up and plays a cassette that Aki Miyata left behind. After that cassette plays, Aki’s spirit takes over Sota’s body for thirty minutes. He uses this time to meet his former girlfriend and band-mates. Sota grows from this experience as he learns Aki’s ways of socializing and learns to mature with time.

The Feel-Good Part

The coming-of-age film is visually pleasing as it looks like a music video. There is a lot of emphasis on the use of music in the movie. All the music used fits the film’s tone well and is enjoyable. The movie is a mix of romantic and comedic moments while maintaining its supernatural backdrop, which is quite an intriguing aspect. These elements come together seamlessly, which is commendable. The chemistry between the protagonists is excellent and remains to be the driving vehicle of the film. The body-swap concept is well-executed and much more complex than we are used to seeing, which is a refreshing change. The film is quite easy-going and light-hearted despite tackling themes of grief, maturity, and coming of age, which is admirable and makes the movie relatively easy to watch. The technical aspects of the movie are remarkable as the cinematography and editing serve the film while maintaining the coming-of-age aesthetic.

The Disappointing Factor

The musical scenes overstay their welcome at times as the sequences are long, which may get boring for a specific part of the audience. Some of the characters don’t have a lot of depth, which makes them feel two-dimensional, rather than real people. Most of the movie’s shortcomings come from missed opportunities.

In-Depth Analysis

The film is a unique blend of comedy, romance, and the supernatural, which entertains thoroughly. It succeeds in doing everything it aims to do, which makes the end satiating. There are very few places where the film falters, and most of it is easy to overlook because the movie is highly engaging. The film’s characters are easy to root for, and the conflict is quite interesting, which holds the audience’s attention. The technical aspects of filmmaking, such as the cinematography, are the film’s highlights.

Star Power

All the performances were excellent. The cast delivers their respective characters with nuance, which makes the audience connect with the characters well. The actors playing the side characters deserve appreciation for their ability to remain memorable.

Overall Opinion

Our 30 Minute Sessions is a film that delivers on its exciting premise by executing the visual aspects of the story well. The film is a must-watch for those who enjoy music and coming-of-age stories.