Movie Reviews: Haruhara-San’s Recorder

2 Hrs 0 Mins




2 Hrs 0 Mins

Movie Digest

Sachiko quits her position at the museum to work part-time at a café, and she moves into an apartment recommended by a regular client. She spends her days at the cafe and lazing around in her new apartment. Sachiko’s memories from the past continue to haunt her. Friends pay her visits from time to time, and through their conversations, we learn why Sachiko lives the way she does.

The Feel-Good Part

Even though the focus topic of the film is the loss of loved ones, it does not bring out any discomfort.

The Disappointing Factor

There is nothing really to pinpoint as the disappointing factor.

In-Depth Analysis

This film is an adaptation of the Japanese poem (tanka) written by Naoko Higashi. The film Recorder by Haruhara-San is about loss. Kyoshi Sugita, the director, never officially labels the event, but it appears to be the death of a loved one, how losing someone close to you defines the person for the rest of his life. The protagonist Sachiko has not come to terms with the loss of her dear friend Haruhara. She looks out the windows from time to time as if subconsciously looking for her friend. Other subtle hints suggest that neither Sachiko nor the other characters are ready to accept the loss of their loved ones. The film takes on a lyrical tone, with short, seemingly mundane moments that echo, refract, and gather complexity through subtle story juxtapositions and slow editing rhythms that value the incidental above the conventionally dramatic. From a technical standpoint, the film is quite pleasant. Long static shots with a lot of space and minimal movement generate a complicated sense of loss and sadness. Sugita’s impressionistic storytelling approach necessitates a great degree of patience and empathy from the audience. But the film is nonetheless delightful, an ode to the small moments in life that give us the strength to keep going.

Star Power

Araki Chika played the role of Sachiko beautifully. She evoked various strong emotions in the film and with the audience.

Overall Opinion

It is a soft and beautiful film about loss and moving on. Highly recommend it!