Movie Reviews: Flight On The water

1 Hrs 46 Mins




1 Hrs 46 Mins

Movie Digest

Haruka, a promising athlete, has quite potential, faces an unfortunate accident, making her paralyzed waist down. This event takes a toll on her dreams and career, disturbing her mentally. She again after recollecting herself goes on pursuing a new dream in the sport of paracanoe, she learns how to fly again.

The Feel-Good Part

This story is based on true events, Haruka an athlete who was determined to make it big in in her career. Before the accident event, the plot shows the protagonists hard work, passion and determination. The plot after the accident shows, the relatable emotions a person faces, when they feel they are worthless. The plot shows how to overcome the situation of hardships. The supporting family and friends showing empathy towards the character, rather just showing sympathy, pushes her with assurance to again believe in her self. The bond between Haruka’s trainer and Haruka is beautifully potrayed, as how her trainer patiently trains her and makes her believe in herself again.

The Disappointing Factor

The writing might not be the best, the execution of the plot does sometimes seems cheesy sometimes, but is done for some of the light heartedness.

In-Depth Analysis

Based on true events, the protagonist Haruka is an athlete, has potential and talents in high jump, aiming for Olympics, faces an accident leaving her paralyzed from waist down. Not being able to move her legs again, all her dreams are crushed, her world turns upside down, making her question her existence. Mentally disturbed and heartbroken Haruka isolates herself from all her family members and friends, she does get irritated with the sympathy shown as she believes her world has come to an end. Though after suggestions and assurance form her loved ones, and meeting other disabled people who view their disabilities as their individual traits,  she gives a shot to the sport of paracanoe, and starts enjoying and learning the sport eventually succeeding in it. She finally pursues her new dream and learns to fly again, rejuvenating her freedom.

Star Power

The role of the protagonist played by Nakajo Ayami, portrays her character beautifully, the other starring cast in the main character Sugino Yosuke, portrays the supportive nature in a good way. The casting of characters for the trainer and family members also delivers their role efficiently.

Overall Opinion

This movie is quite moving, as the sudden misfortune for the protagonist first develops a connection with the viewers, the further development of the plot, does inspire the viewers to again connect with themselves and believe in themselves.