Drama Review: HOW R U MOM?






Drama Digest

A murder of a woman named Lady Mother takes place. Two detectives, Zee and Saint arrive to solve the case and find the culprit.

The Feel-Good Part

This short drama will keep you hooked, making you guess who is the actual killer. It feels as if you are present at the crime scene along with the detectives and will make you rack your brains to find the murderer from the suspects. It is quite fast-paced and the storyline is well-executed.

The Disappointing Factor

The only disappointment is that this is a toothpaste commercial, not a drama series.

In-Depth Analysis

A 55-year-old woman is found dead in her house, and the cause of death is said to be cardiac arrest. Two detectives arrive to solve the case, and they suspect the four children of Lady Mother. The four siblings are First Madam who is ill and likes to take care of everyone, Second Mister who is impulsive and likes to party, Third Mister who is introverted and has a sweet tooth and Last Madam who is the youngest, is clingy and likes shopping. The story then goes on how the detectives collect the pieces of evidence and arrive at the conclusion about the killer of Lady Mother.

Star Power

The main attraction of this drama is the two lead detectives, Zee and Saint, played by Zee Pruk Panich and Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkaniana respectively.

Overall Opinion

Thai short dramas based on crime are rare and hence, this is a must-watch for all those who love crime dramas. Also, the series will come across as a pleasant surprise for all the viewers, so give it a try.