Drama Review: Moebius: The Veil





0 Hrs 55 Mins



Drama Digest

Moebius: The Veil is a two-episode special made after the massive success of its parent drama, The Veil. This drama is a prequel set four years ahead of the events shown in The Veil. It centers around Agent Seo Soo-yeon and the events that led to her working at the NIS. And showcases the past of many characters and the circumstances and reasons that led them to their present jobs. Including the relationships that they have with each other and the organization of NIS. This spin-off adds more context to the events mentioned in the parent drama.

The Feel-Good Part

For viewers of ‘The Veil’; this series is a good addition focused on a character whose background was lacking in the original series. And it supplements the story well and contributes towards a better understanding of the character. As well as exposing the corrupted and twisted world in which they function. And the struggle of individuals to balance making correct decisions or being a pawn at the hands of influential people.

The inner workings of intelligence agencies and the people working there are the focal point. And the dynamics of the agents are detailed. It is action-packed and expands the universe of ‘The Veil.’ In this two-hour-long adventure, there is no dull or unnecessary moment. The cast has given a stellar performance.

The Disappointing Factor

There is no particular disappointing factor in this mini spin-off series except for leaving the viewers wanting more.

In-Depth Analysis

The series explores the three characters of Seo Soo-yeon, Jang Chun-woo, and Do Jin-sook. It lifts the veil off of the mysterious past of agent Seo Soo-yeon. The two episodes have mysteries that the characters solve amid the power struggle happening in the intelligence agencies. And has very intriguing twists and turns in the process of solving the task at hand. The action sequences are shot very well and are thrilling to see. It explores the missions that intelligence agents have to take up and the cost of fulfilling their responsibilities.

The agents partake in the Moebius project. In this process, they face difficult personal decisions. Their job is to take instructions, so while they work for the organization, they aren’t in control of their decisions. And these instructions are from higher-ups who have their agenda and motives, which are sometimes tainted with greed. The agents that see each other as colleagues are suddenly in a situation where they may have to face off each other. It induces empathy in viewers for the characters who are at the mercy of others. Because of their work obligations and the nature of their job they have to watch their backs because betrayals are only the next corner away.

Star Power

Park Ha Sun plays agent Seo Soo-yeon and leads this series. Other characters from ‘The Veil’ are also featured here. So, Jung-Moon-sung and Young-nam Jang reprise their roles as Jang Chun-woo and Do Jin-sook.

Overall Opinion

The story is fast-moving and enticing. For action and thriller fans, it is most certainly a treat. In addition to that it is also impactful emotionally.