Drama Review: Zettai Reido Afterstory





1 Hrs 48 Mins



Drama Digest

Zettai Reido Afterstory is about the concerns over how personal information is handled and the surveillance and security of society. The Metropolitan Police Department is responsible for gathering the data and managing them, while overcoming many difficulties.

The Feel-Good Part

The plotline is exciting and new, with the motto of shedding light on issues like the safety and security of people in mind. The show is not predictable , which adds delight to the audience. The issues raised with the bill’s enactment are authentic and genuine, which adds another level of seriousness and thrill into the series. Being not too long, it shows the relevant scenes with utmost perfection.

The Disappointing Factor

The storyline becomes weak when the story progresses towards the Crime Investigation Division and the scenes related to them. It could’ve been avoided which deletes confusion altogether. The editing is sometimes disappointing, and the characters could have some depth and perfection in the acting part.

In-Depth Analysis

This story shows the lonely and harsh personal lives of professionals involved in protecting people. This plotline is fresh and is one of the highlights of the movie. The exciting ways taken for saving personal information are appreciated.

Star Power

Every character of this movie is enhanced by the role they perform in the film, which is overall crisp and impactful.

Overall Opinion

This portrayal of real life issues through a movie is seen less in Japanese Dramas, so people who love slice-of-life stories will enjoy it.