Drama Review: Shimane Ga Dorama Ni Naru Nante!






Drama Digest

Iwami Shinnosuke is a second-year high school student in a small town called Shimane. He has never liked his home town. He wants to leave his city and go to Tokyo as soon as after his graduation to peruse his career as a musician. One day as usual he was playing the guitar on the terrace of his school a transfer student walked into him. The transfer student is from Tokyo. Her name is Kyoko. Kyoko is a transfer family and she does not have any home town of her own.

Kyoko has a very influential personality. One day she said something to Iwami Shinnosuke and that changed his life forever. His life becomes a total drama.

The Feel-Good Part

It’s a story that keeps the women in the lead and that’s the best part about it. Kyoko’s personality will intimidate you in a way you will love. The way she influences Iwami Shinnosuke life is crazy.

The Disappointing Factor

The story is good but the screenplay is not good. It’s a turn off when we have to watch a good story with not so good acting.

In-Depth Analysis

Shimane ga Dorama ni Naru Nante! also known as “Shimane Becomes a Drama!” or “Shimane Will Be a Drama!” This story is about school and friendship. How friends are important for surviving school.

 Star Power  

Shimane ga Dorama ni Naru Nante starring Tanabe Ririka as Azuma Kyoko. Iwami Shinnosuke is played by Tsubakihara Kei and his two friends Oki Tatsuya & Izumo Hiroto are played by Hiraki Kanta and Hayashi Yuta. The whole cast of Shimane ga Dorama ni Naru Nante has done their job just okay.

Overall Opinion

This show is not a bang on but if you got nothing to watch you can switch it on and watch it.