Drama Review: Kyusei Sentai Wakusaber





0 Hrs 12 Mins



Drama Digest

A mysterious woman and a rabbit enlist the help of four men to prevent an evil empire from accumulating the greatest DNA the Earth has to offer in order to make the ultimate body.

The Feel-Good Part

The feel good part about this series is that it is very similar to the ones that aired many years back. This might be a way to reminiscence about the past for a few people who grew up watching those type of series.

The Disappointing Factor

The Disappointing Factor about this drama is that there is already a dozen of series very similar to this drama. For example the ‘Power Rangers’ series. This type of genre has no variety even if you put different villains and different people as main heroes. The concept of wearing a colorful suite in which the leader wears Red or Black and the love interest is and the girl is usually the one wearing the p8nknor yellow suit. The play through of the series has become predictable and boring.

In-Depth Analysis

The Ultimate Lifeform Empire, Giga GIDES, has gathered information on diverse animals and destroyed numerous worlds throughout the universe. They want to build the ultimate physique that will allow them to achieve godhood. The Earth is their next target!

When Otoha Nishina saves Prapine, a bizarre toy creature, from the Deceptors of GIDES , she transforms into the Pink Earth Wakusaber and sets off to assist Prapine in finding the others. The series follows the Wakusabers’ recruitment of a stargazer, photographer, ballet dancer, and businessman, as well as their climactic showdown with GIDES’ three generals and their minions.

Star Power

There are a lot of main characters in this drama with Kotaro Matsuo  as Blue Mercury, Eisuke as Red Mars, Mizuki Seiji as Yellow Sun, Minato Saito as Green Jupiter and Nonoka Sato as Pink Earth.

Overall Opinion

With Japanese drama being aired almost in every country after dubbing, many of the Power-Rangers series have been already watched by people all around the world. The audience really did not needed more of the same concept deleted with new villains and new characters wearing the same suit. The story might be a little different but other than a kids pastime, it is nothing new for audience who grew up watching similar shows. This might not be the only time Japan has made a show that already has a lot of variations of the same story already aired years back. This might be a good watch for people looking to reminiscence about their childhood by watching this series as it has a very short run-time.