Drama Review: Kawa No Hotori De





0 Hrs 25 Mins



Drama Digest

Kawa No Hotori De is a short comedy about the homeless, full of philosophical dialogues and exciting episodes that make you think about life and happiness. Toshi-chan and BB live in a blue sheet hut on the banks of the Tama River.

The Feel-Good Part  

This show is a one-of-a-kind show. There are no big revelations or dramatic happenings in this slice-of-life drama. It’s a simple comedy with life lessons and a sign of its episodic form. The show is like a warm hug after a tough day at work.

The Disappointing Factor

There are no major disappointing factors in the show. It is a little slow and will look dull or slow for first-time viewers of the genre. The characters are unique but have little to no growth throughout the show. Other than that, there is nothing terrible in the show.

In-Depth Analysis

Kawa No Hotori De, also known as On the Banks of the River, is a short comedy about the homeless. Toshi-chan and BB live in a blue sheet hut on the banks of the Tama River. They have lived there for years so they are familiar with the area. They start collecting cans in the city from dawn and go to bed by 7 pm to save electricity at night. They don’t have much income , but they’re not particularly worried about money. They are carefree every day and proud to be homeless men who can take care of themselves. One day, Nao, a young actress from a small theatre company, visits Toshi-chan and BB. In her next appearance, she will play a heroine who falls in love with a homeless leader and asks her to interview him. This is where the trio’s long night begins. The drama evokes the nostalgia and rustic life of camping in the woods. And although the characters are underprivileged and homeless, they are the “self-sufficient homeless” that the characters themselves talk about in the first episode. It is full of philosophical dialogues and exciting episodes that make you think about life and happiness. Contemplative in nature, it’s a comedy going nowhere and a sign of its serialized form. The mediocre authenticity and lack of overly dramatic elements made this unique and refreshing.

Star Power

The star power of the show is the unique characters of Toshi-chan and BB. The scenic surroundings of the Tama River also gave beauty to the junk shack these characters call home.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Kawa No Hotori De is inspired by the play “Three Wise Men of the Riverside” by Ayata and Bengal of Tokyo Kantaji. It is a short comedy about the homeless, full of philosophical dialogues and exciting episodes that make you think about life and happiness. It’s a beautiful show that is worth a watch.