Drama Review: High-Rise Invasion





00 Hrs 25 Mins



Drama Digest

A 16-year-old Yuri Honjō mysteriously finds herself in a strange world of high-rise buildings filled with masked assailants. She finds out that her brother is also in this realm, and the story follows the protagonist as she tries to find her way out of this world alive. It also introduces various other survivors trying to do the same against all odds.

The Feel-Good Part

The setup of the series is in a world that is bound to bring up many questions and mysteries in the viewer’s mind. The protagonist and leads are pretty amiable and make us root for them as the story evolves. Yuri Honjō, and Mayuko Nise go on a journey to find Yuri’s brother and are ready to do whatever is required of them to get out of this world from the get-go.

The Disappointing Factor

This series falls under the category of survival horror that requires one to suspend their belief in reality. The violence may be over the top or too non-sensical for some, and it may be appealing to only a niche audience. It doesn’t exactly bring anything new to the table, and with very predictable plot points and situations, it misses the mark.

In-Depth Analysis

The series sometimes fails to keep the viewer engaged in the mystery of the situation, and the narrative may be too reliant on the action and violence aspect of the story. The characters who are the survivors of this dire situation are up for a challenge where they have to make decisions for their survival and try to not fall prey to the assailants. The characters whose journey we follow are interesting, and can keep people invested in the story. They have their adventures as you follow their individual stories, and build rapport and chemistry with other characters. One can look forward to these aspects of the series.

While the story isn’t the most compelling or mysterious, it is nonetheless entertaining and may even be characterized as silly or goofy in parts. If one is not turned off by excessive violence, they may enjoy the various characters, who are the antagonists. and their peculiar and bizarre characteristics.

Star Power

The voiceover artists have done an excellent job in conveying the character’s emotions, and their sincerity.

Overall Opinion

It may appeal to those up for binge-watching an old-school narrative filled with gore even with all its faults.