Drama Review: Meeting You





0 Hrs 35 Mins



Drama Digest

Nan Xi (Fiction Guo), who was born a genius, has never had a problem with schoolwork. That isn’t to say that his stay at school has been without challenges. Nan Xi has fought his entire life to find his place in a world that has always felt too huge to him. Nan Xi is constantly overwhelmed by the rush of life around him, not because he doesn’t want friends, but because it’s simply too difficult for him to reach out and connect with others.

The Feel-Good Part

The concept of a “long-lost childhood buddy turned lover” isn’t new, but the programme did a great job with it. What makes it even more poignant is that our Male Lead, Nan Xi, suffers from social anxiety condition, therefore his early friendship with Xia Rui, our female lead, had a long and profound impact on him. He never forgot about Xia Rui and never gave up looking for her.

The Disappointing Factor

The second leads’ connection is a little frustrating because all you want them to do is get it over with. Even when it feels like it’s dragging on for too long, the fact that their characters have been built in such a manner that it “makes sense” for them not to tell each other how they feel makes it bearable. It’s also made more palatable by the fact that this is happening at the same time as Xia Rui and Nan Xi are in love and adorable with one other.

In-Depth Analysis

Nan Xi was born brilliant and never struggled in school, but his time there wasn’t simple. He struggled to find his place in a world that was always too big for him since he suffered from social anxiety. He’d be forced to retreat within himself because he was often overwhelmed by life’s spinning around him. He wanted to make friends, but he found the prospect of reaching out and engaging with people to be too intimidating. Xia Rui is a true social butterfly, an energetic, outgoing young lady. She was often the centre of attention since she was surrounded by friends, resulting in a school experience that was significantly different from Nan Xi’s. They seemed to inhabit in parallel worlds, where their paths were unlikely to meet. Until, that is, fate intervened! This odd duo, once strangers and now best friends, has only grown closer over time, their relationship steadily developing into love. Can they continue to be happy for the rest of their lives despite being complete opposites?

Star Power

It’s a mix of youthful spring and relaxing fall when it comes to dealing with this story and its characters. There’s that great nostalgia for childhood, school, peers, and camaraderie. There’s a mutual understanding between two people who respect and support one another. There’s the spring of childhood buddies who have blossomed into first loves.

Overall Opinion 

Overall, this drama gives me a nice feeling. It shows you how pure and powerful love can be, as well as the importance of trust and excellent communication with your lover and friends.