Drama Review: Knock On The Happiness Door






Drama Digest

The story starts with Fang Yan. She worked as a civilian police officer, and dreams about being a criminal police officer. To pursue her dream, she lists up some target names and Huang Zili is one of them in the target list.

Huang Zili is a doctor. He experiences many troubles and hardships in life. He travels from the Southwest to the big city to make a new life.

The policewoman and the doctor had several encounters during the doctor’s most devastating time. She always helped him but somehow, she had the wrong impression of him as an incompetent man. He was annoyed by the constant interference of trying to be his sponsor to better his life. Can they fall in love?

The Feel-Good Part

The stow is quite exciting to watch. There is a good mixture of romance and drama. The chemistry between the main leads is top-notch. The audience loves their on-screen chemistry despite their age difference.

The screen presence is pretty well. The OSTs of this drama are so good to listen to. The audience can hear it over and over again.

The Disappointing Factor

There is no such disappointing part in the drama, however, the audience can prefer the better definition of feelings in their romantic relationship. The romance between them is very slow-cooked. That makes the viewers either feel bored or distracted.

 In-Depth Analysis

The story revolves around doctors and their lives.

Star Power

The actors are the star power of the show. They are perfect for their roles. They gave a fantastic performance throughout the entire show. Nie Yuan as Huang Zi Li did an amazing job. He portrayed the emotions of the character very beautifully.

Wu Ji Yan as Fang Yan beautifully portrayed her character. She, as a hardworking policewoman is perfect. Her acting gave justice to the character, and make it lively. Each character of the drama has its own feature which made the show, more promising.

The other actors also gave an amazing performance. All of them enhanced the dimension of the show.

Overall Opinion

The story has an exciting plot that captivates the viewers’ attention. It has a perfect pace that makes the show appealing. The viewers will eagerly wait to watch the next episode. It is suitable for both the new and experienced viewers. People who want to watch this type of content can try it. You won’t regret it after watching this show. It is a pretty good show, and worthy of your time.