Drama Review: Don’t Panic Astronauts!






Drama Digest

In space, the captain of the spacecraft Ye Zhihong (Zhou Lang) chooses to abandon the spacecraft after he receives a revenge signal from his wife Ke Qi (Xu Heyuan). After that, the space life of the crew became a question. When the spacecraft is in confusion why the captain left the shuttle and how to proceed further with their mission, the brave female captain meets astronauts Xiongqi (Ye Xiaokai), Yaomei (Ma Mengqiao) and Luo Dou (Yu Dong) and most importantly strange alien creatures and all kinds of odd scenarios in the space. what are the odds they faced how they tackled them and did the Captain return? And did they succeed in their mission? Watch the series to know more about the happenings.

The Feel-Good Part

The characters are lively and comical. The costumes and the graphic designs are Great. Even children can watch this drama because of its space effects aliens, comical characters and the pleasant plot loops. The settings may remind you of some space station games and kid’s movies. But the graphics are realistic. The lead characters and the supporting characters did their roles at their best. The setting, costumes, the Alien creatures everything fits in the right places.

The Disappointing Factor

The plot might not feel fascinating to some people. It’s not an action space plot. It is a comedy-drama. So it might not attract some drama lovers who are into action or mystery plots. And the plot might feel plain and simple. The narration could have been deeper and more comical. And this drama has a slow-paced flow in the plot which might not attract many.

In-Depth Analysis

Don’t Panic Astronauts, the title may sound serious but the plot is completely made to make people laugh. So, it’s a lightweight plot with heavy space shuttle settings. The whole plot might give us a surreal feel and the situations may seem odd as well as plain. The plot’s main idea is to solely entertain the viewers. Through some characters, we might learn a lot about emotions and well behaviours, selfless acts and love. In this drama, we won’t hate any characters for their actions cause they all do what they can do in a crucial situation.

Star Power

The lead characters and supportive characters both have done their role perfectly. Some characters are hilarious from the beginning itself. Ye Leif and Ma Meng Qiao as Main Roles did wonderful performances and every supportive actor and actress even the Alien costume actors also did their best to make the drama funny and Jovial.

Overall Opinion

Everyone can watch Don’t Panic Astronauts drama if you are looking for lightweight comedy as well as sci-fi dramas. You can try this one. Even kids can watch this drama as it contains fewer action sequences and other kinds of emotional contexts. If you are a graphics and Sci-fi Genre lover, this drama setting and graphic will fascinate you.