Drama Review: Cloud Over The Sky






Drama Digest

An airplane’s pilot and the captain is Gu Nan Ting. Gu Nan Ting was devastated that his beloved Cheng Xiao had wed someone else due to a miscommunication. He was hurt during the flight and lost consciousness. The year he met Cheng Xiao was there when he awoke. He became a flight teacher to assist Cheng Xiao in achieving her goal of becoming a pilot because he was determined to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Cheng Xiao grew up and became a more responsible pilot by handling emergencies while flying. Gu Nan Ting assisted Cheng Xiao in passing her flight assessment and becoming a captain. Gu Nan Ting’s genuine protection and care finally allowed Cheng Xiao’s heart to open up.

The Feel-Good Part

The drama would still be enjoyable, even without several unnecessary plot twists. In the play, almost everything is combined. The well-written main narrative moves along steadily. If you don’t understand Chinese, you can still enjoy this movie.

The Disappointing Factor

It had a strong beginning but could have been more powerful. This could seem strange to anyone who appreciates Chinese dramas with their traditional narrative style.

In-Depth Analysis

Gu Nan Ting is an aircraft captain and pilot. Gu Nan Ting was overcome with grief when his beloved Cheng Xiao married someone else due to a misunderstanding. He suffered damage on a flight and lost consciousness. The year he met Cheng Xiao was there when he awoke. He decided to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he changed into a flying instructor to help Cheng Xiao realize her dream of becoming a pilot.

In order to grow and become a more reliable pilot, Cheng Xiao had to learn how to handle the crises that would arise during flights. Cheng Xiao finally passed her flying appraisal and transitioned into a female chief with Gu Nan Ting’s help. Cheng Xiao’s heart was finally cracked open by Gu Nan Ting’s genuine concern and security, and the two finally confessed their love.

Star Power

The star cast includes Zheng Shuang as Cheng Xiao and Wallace Chung as Gu Nan Ting. The lead actors are excellent in their parts. From the extras to the main characters, every single performance in the movie is perfect.

Overall Opinion

Those who have watched several shows will find this one unique due to its unique plot.