When we used to get immersed in movies, our parents used to ask us to wake up and come back to the real world. There has always been a clear line between films and reality, but some films blur this very distinct line. These films are real-life events presented to us in the wrappings of films. Sometimes we don't even know that the films we are watching are, in fact, real-life incidents. Here are ten Korean films that were inspired by real-life incidents.
1. Hope
One Day something terrible happened to So-won on her way to school. Her parents, Dong-hoon and Mi-hee, fight against the world to bring hope back into the little girl's life. While the world was trying to make her relive the incident by asking her questions, her parents wanted to protect her from the world. It is believed that this film is based on a real case in 2008.
2. As One
The film is about two women table tennis players of North and South Korea who are suddenly forced to view each other as teammates instead of opponents who have always seen each other on opposite sides of the table. This is the true story of the 1991 World Table tennis championship, when the governments on both sides decided to eliminate the bad blood between them by sending a single unified sports team to the world championship to show unity between the two countries.
3. Silenced
This movie is based on a novel that gives a detailed account of a real case. In this movie, a new teacher, in a school for the hearing impaired children, discovers that the children were being abused. He, therefore, works with a human activist to expose this and other things that he finds to the public and put a stop to it.
4. The Chaser
A pimp who used to be a police officer gets worried because his girls keep disappearing. He decides to investigate the case, and uncovers clues about a serial killer, and then begins his race against time to convict the serial killer. This movie is based on actual serial killings.
5. Memories Of Murder
This movie also tells the tale of a serial killer and two very ordinary policemen. The two detectives start investigating a double homicide, however, when more murders occur with the same pattern, they realize that they are dealing with a serial killer. It is based on the first serial killer case of the country.
6. The case Of Itaewon Homicide
The Story is of two teenagers who murder an innocent college student and then show no remorse for their action. When the incident had taken place in reality, it had shocked the citizens of Korea to their core.
7. Northern Limit Line
This film has been based on a war that took place in reality. A North Korean patrol boat had encroached on South Korean territory and attacked a South Korean patrol boat causing a tragedy on the day of the 2002 World Cup.
8. Han Gong Ju
This movie is based on a 2004 case. A girl is moved to a new home to help her escape the investigation of an ongoing case in her hometown. She is transferred to a new school, away from her past but it gets revealed.
9. New Trial
An opportunist lawyer decides to help a witness who was wrongfully punished and was imprisoned for ten years already. This movie is based on a case that took place in the 2000s.
10. Don't Cry, Mommy
A girl is raped by a group of boys. The boys escaped punishment because they were minors. The girl's mother sets out to seek vengeance for her daughter. It is based on a 1991 case.