Anime Review: With A Dog AND A Cat, Every Day Is Fun

Also Knowns As: Inu To Neko Docchi Mo Katteru To Mainichi Tanoshii



Drama Digest

Hidekichi Matsumoto spends her life with her cat and dog. The dog is energetic and enthusiastic, while the cat often acts cold and aloof. The slice-of-life anime follows her life and the experiences of her cat and dog and the way they fit into her routine. The anime series is based on the manga that goes by the same name.

The Feel-Good Part

The show is straightforward as each episode lasts only two minutes. The tone of the show is delightful and joyous. It’s one of those shows that can calm you down after a long week of work. The animation style fits the show’s theme very well and incorporates the style of the manga. The characters are pretty average and relatable, which is nice to see. The show is a welcome change from all the action anime series that release so frequently. It’s a show that sets out to provide joy and delivers on that promise incredibly well, as the shenanigans of the cat and dog are guaranteed to put a smile on the viewer’s face. Pet owners would especially be delighted to watch this show as it explores the possibility of what could happen if your pets could talk. Overall, the anime is humorous and comforting at the same time.

The Disappointing Factor

There isn’t much going on in the show. Almost every episode is identical to the previous one, which can get repetitive and frustrating for those who were expecting a lot more action. While the show is relatable, there isn’t much that is distinct in terms of characters, which could make the show seem forgettable. This is definitely not for people who don’t enjoy the slice of life genre, as there is nothing much going on here apart from that aspect.

In-Depth Analysis

The show is genuinely sweet and joyous, which many people can watch during hardships. There isn’t much commitment required to watch this show as it is short. It doesn’t try to do much in terms of plot but it does what it sets out to do really well, which is a satiating viewing experience. There aren’t many shortcomings that the show suffers from as there isn’t much of a window to make mistakes and the plot and characters are pretty simplistic.

Star Power

All the performances were excellent. The cast delivers on their characters so well that despite having very few characters, it never feels lacking as the actors are so good at their job that they never make the viewers feel like they are missing something.

Overall Opinion

If you are looking for something breezy and joyful to watch, then this will work great for you. The show is well-written and executed and makes for a great comfort watch.