Anime Review: Spriggan




Anime Digest

The anime chronicles the exploits of Yu Ominae, a 16-year-old super soldier entrusted with locating and protecting powerful out-of-place relics. It is based on the Japanese manga series developed by Hiroshi Takashige and Ryji Minagawa (OOPArt). Numerous paramilitary groups and organizations with a national backing battle in secret for possessing these weapons, which are capable of causing catastrophic damage. As a result, there was a false public Cold War.

ARCAM discovered what it thinks to be Noah’s Ark in Turkey’s Ararat Mountains. However, to achieve world dominance, the U.S. Machine Corps intend to take control of the Ark. The only obstacle in their path is Spriggan, a special ARCAM agent. To confront troops of the U.S. Machine Corps headed by Col. MacDougall—a genetically altered child with lethal telepathic abilities—Japanese Spriggan Yu Ominae links up with French Spriggan Jean-Jacques Mondo. To prevent MacDougall from using the Ark for his purposes, Yu Ominae has to protect the relics and save lives.

The Feel Good Part

Spriggan, an animated series on Netflix, got off to a solid start with its first season.  The series can be binge watched because of its intriguing idea, virtually constant action, and endearing yet mysterious protagonist.

The Disappointing Part

The animation technique is an odd blend of 2D and 3D. The overall effect of each episode is that each tale is condensed and hurried. The graphic action scenes seem weird because of the awkward transitions between 2D and 3D.

In-Depth Analysis

Yu Ominae, a teenager, lives two lives: one as a high school student and the other as a senior operative for the covert Arcam business.

Arcam’s mission is to protect antiquated and potentially hazardous technology from those who would abuse it, namely the armed forces of various international nations. The Spriggans, Arcam’s field operatives, are tasked with carrying out this mission, frequently by whatever means necessary.

The goal of an organization with the codename ARCAM is to secure and recover historical relics. The Ark of Noah, mentioned in the Old Testament is found by one of their teams ARCAM. It is being sought by another group,and is determined to get it by any means possible. The world might drastically change thanks to the Ark. Yu Ominae, a senior agent for ARCAM who belongs to the prestigious Spriggan gang, gets drawn into the conflict. Yu travel to the epicenter of the violence. The story centers around Yu and another Spriggan agent named Jean-Jacques Mondo as they fight against the well-armed cyborg warriors. The plot is primarily action-driven, interspersed with brief passages of narrative.

Star Power

The character of Yu is written quite nicely. We can piece together his character qualities from highlighting his Spriggan activities to some aspects of his high school years, including emotional stability, overwhelming self-confidence, relentless achievement, and a slice of kindness in his deeds.

The supporting characters, on the other hand, are only there to continue the story. It would have been good to spend a little time with them on their small arc, engaged in activities unrelated to aiding or opposing the main protagonist.

Overall Opinion

Spriggan is a wild and entertaining movie, even if it is a chaotic combination of fantastic action, conspiracy ideas, and high school drama. The action scenes are bloody entertaining on their own.  Spriggan may not be worth a binge right away, but if you find yourself with three hours to pass, go ahead and push play. It’s sloppy, inconsistent, and eventually a nostalgic note for bygone anime.