Anime Review: Aikatsu Planet


Anime Digest

Mao Otoha is a normal schoolgirl who one day finds herself as a top virtual idol, Hana, in Aikatsu Planet. She replaces Meisa Hinata, who went missing unexpectedly. But now Mao Otoha has to keep it secret that she is now Hana. Mao must live up to Hana’s reputation and compete against her rivals in these exciting idol competitions.

The Feel-Good Part

This show brings something very new to the anime world, and it is a really great idea that worked out in their favor. It is an excellent combination of reality and virtuality. Aikatsu Planet is a very old anime series with many shows and different stories. This is a new and fresh concept in the Aikatsu Planet franchise.

The animation has improved a lot as compared to the last Aikatsu Planet seasons, and as the CGI is good, the whole show becomes easy on the eyes with all those beautiful graphics.

The Disappointing Factor

The show doesn’t have a plot. It has a little bit of a story about how Mao ended up as Hana, but after that, it is just a slice-of-life anime where Mao struggles to find her own identity. The anime could’ve been a lot better if only it had had a plot after all of this.

Another thing is that the characters in Aikatsu Planet have no relevance to their characters in real life. A lot of the time, it is difficult to understand who is who. Also, the characters are not that extraordinary or interesting. There was nothing new in their personalities, and you don’t really care about the characters.

In-Depth Analysis

Aikatsu Planet is an anime franchise with many seasons that have different stories. It is a planet where we can choose our virtual avatar and perform as an idol. In this season, they experimented with something new, and it follows the theme of anime along with real life. Mao struggles to keep both of her lives under control and stresses about keeping up the reputation of the place of the famous idol she is now. That is Hana. The show truly depicts how a double life can take a toll on your real life, especially as a school student. It was difficult for Mao to keep up with everything, along with keeping all of this a secret.

The animation is top-notch for this season, and there are a few very creative things. But they don’t look like their real-life counterparts at all. There should’ve been at least a little bit more similarity so that they both felt more connected.

As this is an idol anime, you expect the songs to be outstanding, and this anime does not fail to do so. The music is fantastic for the show, and you can listen to it on repeat.

Star Power

The star cast is good, and the characters in the anime are also good. They are not all that remarkable, but they are all likable. Every main character has had a good time in their character development.

Overall Opinion

Overall, it is a good anime. But it is only for people who like idol anime or for people who follow the Aikatsu Planet franchise.