TV Show Review: Youth On Fire





1 Hrs 30 Mins



Drama Digest

Youth On Fire is here to put TNT back on your screens with a brand new competition reality show. This show has multiple stages; four special singing stages, double stages, 3v4 stages, and a seven-person national wind show. In this show, the group members take the stage and express their talents in multiple ways through dance, vocal music, and live performance. Through the episodes, the teenagers improve in every single way. How will they perform? What iconic performances will they put on? With the show providing a stage for the group members, how far will the teenagers go and improve their performances? Watch the drama and find out.

The Feel-Good Part

To see youngsters perform some of the best sets is nice to see. What makes these performances all the more exciting and excellent is that there are various performance styles on multiple stages. These stages and performances give us so much variety. There is no feeling of repetitiveness or boredom when the performances have such a massive range. What’s more? The show also looks at the training and mental preparedness the group must undergo to put on these iconic showings. We, as audiences, get to see how much this means to the teenagers and how much work and effort they put into them, rather than appreciating the performances at face value when we can root for them and appreciate them even more.

The Disappointing Factor

When it comes to Asian boy groups, people tend to forget how young these boys are and, therefore, the sense of pressure and social imagery that can affect them significantly. By no means is that entire bathing considering that they manage to pull out an excellent performance and live out everyone’s dreams. It may come across as a bit invasive when you feel that rehearsals and preparations are something that requires concentration. Rehearsals are places where you can make mistakes and correct them, but when you are on camera, you may feel the need to be perfect every time, which is impossible in the industry. But then again, the show is trying to show us their process and everything they do to prepare for these fantastic performances.

In-Depth Analysis

Once again, this show is a reality show that centers around a boy group and their daily lives, however, instead of it being a look into their personal lives or a variety show filled with comedic moments. It showcases them in the things they do the best, performance. The performances are the main highlight, portrayed on the screen to the best of the show’s ability.

Star Power

The boy group TNT is the enormous star power of the show. The members are Ding Cheng Xin, Ma Jia Qi, Song Ya Xuan, Liu Yao Wen, Zhang Zhen Yuan, Yan Hao Xiang, and He Jun Lin. A survival show called  “Typhoon Project”formed the group. The group debuted in 2019, and since then, they have gained quite a following and a devoted fan base. They provide some great moments as well as some fantastic performances in a variety of styles and stage formats. There are also two special guest appearances from Zhu Zhi Xin and Su Xin Hao. Zhu Zhi Xin is a singer and actor training under Times Fengjun Entertainment. He has starred in several movies, dramas, and TV shows, including Our Best Time in Life!, Class 3, Isn’t Ordinary, Happy Camp, TF Family Summer Games, Youth on Fire, and much more. Su Xin Hao is also a singer and actor who works as a trainee under Times Fengjun Entertainment. He has starred in dramas and TV shows, including Our Best Time In Life! Class 3, Isn’t Ordinary, Youth on Fire (Season 1 and 2), and Happy Camp.

Overall Opinion

TNT has a bright future, proving this show to the audiences that watch them. There are great performances, lighthearted moments, and the joy of seeing a group of boys living out their dreams and doing what they love best.