Movie Reviews: Tomb Of The River

1 Hrs 59 Mins




1 Hrs 59 Mins

Movie Digest

Chairman Oh is the leader of a gang. He plans to construct a resort with Kim Gil-Seok who is his loyal subordinate. Everything goes wrong when Lee Min-Seok another gangster wants Gangneung resort. He is the opposite of Gil-Seok, who is also a gangster but, he follows ethics. Min-Seok doesn’t hesitate to do bad things to acquire what he wants.

The Feel-Good Part

This movie makes you feel nostalgic of the noir genre that was popular back in the 2000s due to the age of the actors. It is interesting to watch the fight between a man who prioritizes loyalty and a man who does anything to get what he wants.

The Disappointing Factor

This movie is not suitable for underage as there is violence.

In-Depth Analysis

Gil-Seok values loyalty over greed while Min-Seok is cruel and has no principles when it comes to obtaining what he wants. This movie revolves around the gang fights between the two groups, that is between Gil-Seok and Min-Seok.

Star Power

Jang Hyuk and Yu Oh-Sung who played the roles of Gil-Seok and Min-Seok, starred in the film God of business. This time their roles are reversed. It is satisfying to see these two actors reunite again in this film.

Overall opinion

The characters in this film are portrayed well and those who enjoy action films will love it.