Movie Reviews: Women

1 Hrs 37 Mins


1 Hrs 37 Mins

Drama Digest

The story revolves around a character named Misaki, who is a graduate of Tokyo University. Still, due to some problems, she was unable to find a job, and now she has turned forty years old without much hope left. She is depressed and suffers from anxiety, and the only people she knows and is close with are Naoki, a caretaker at a nursing home, and Kaori, her childhood friend. Later in the story, we see that Kaori dies and Naoki betrays Misaki. The story follows many events that shaped Misaki throughout her lifetime.

The Feel Good Part

The best part of the movie is that it is very self-reflective, which makes it stand out among other movies in the given genre. The movie makes you question life and how the hunger for seeking answers leads to nowhere, so why not cherish the little wonders of life?

The Disappointing Factor

The movie does not have any disappointing factors as such, but the plot could have been a little better. However, it is not a significant concern as the movie compensates with a good cast who make their audience feel connected to the story.

In-Depth Analysis

The movie portrays a narrative about how things do not work out the way we want them to, but that should not let us lose our hopes. The movie reflects on the fact that it is difficult to escape the state of anxiety and depression when put in a situation as such, but at the same time, it highlights how we need to accept things the way they are offered to us by life.

Star Power

Shinohara Yukiko has done an excellent job in the lead role. She portrays realistic emotions throughout the film, which makes every situation feel interrelated and makes her audience feel connected to her character. The supporting cast is brilliant too, as they assist in maintaining the mood of the movie and at the same time justifying the events that shape the main character.

Overall Opinion

If you are looking for a retrospective Asian drama, then The Women deserves your attention. The movie brings in refection from real-life events and problems that exist in society, which is fantastic. The story is depressing, but at the same time, it makes you question a lot of things around you. You can watch this movie with your family and friends as it suits the audience of all age groups.