Movie Reviews: Boys! Please Kiss Him, Instead Of Me

Also Knowns As: Kiss Him, Not Me, What's the Point of Me Getting Popular, Watashi ga Motete Dousunda, Watashi ga Motete Dōsunda
1 Hrs 30 Mins




1 Hrs 30 Mins

Movie Digest

The drama follows the FL whose sudden transformation as a result of the death of her favorite show character creates unexpected chaos and, at the same time, helps her make new friends and ultimately get better at staying happy with herself.

The Feel-Good Part

The show feels like a live-action copy of the manga it is adapted from with the same name, and it intentionally does so because it intends to do that. It has several light-hearted moments and times when you fall into giggles.

The Disappointing Factor

The show lives up to expectations, but the acting seems to give off cringe at times and the viewer may be unable to bear watching it.

In-Depth Analysis

Serinuma Kae is a sweet girl. She is obsessed with BL manga and shows. She does not have many friends but is happy with whatever she has. One day, she finds out her favorite BL character has died. Unable to cope with such a loss, she spirals into depression. She does not have any food, though she is a big food lover. She skips coming to school. As a result of such unhealthy living, she completely transforms and becomes attractive. She became very popular in the school as a result of this change. And, soon enough, she has four admirers who seem to be on a quest to win her heart.

Star Power

The cast did an amazing job at acting. Their chemistry appears to be natural and definitely adds to the drama.

Overall Opinion

This is the drama for you if you like manga live-action adaptations. It follows the story to the point and leaves you feeling glad that you saw it.