Movie Reviews: The Old Town Girls

1 Hrs 44 Mins




1 Hrs 44 Mins

Movie Digest

A mother and a daughter have reunited during a beautiful summer in a small industrial town. They have been separated for seventeen years. The daughter’s plans to get her mother to stay and push, several families, into the abyss. Shui Qing came from a small town and grew up with her stepmother is eager to meet her biological mother. Finally, after seventeen years, the return of Qu Ting brings warmth and happiness to Shui Qing’s forlorn youth.  Wu Ting integrates herself into her daughter’s life and becomes a part of the “Youth Bunny Gang” with her daughter and her friends. The arrival of a mysterious man, Old Du, shattered their happiness, and he revealed an unknown side of Qu Ting. Shui Qing decides to put up fight, desperate to grasp the maternal love that she has lost years back. Who knew that things would spiral out of control?

The Feel-Good Part

‘The old town girls’ is one of the best crime thriller movies in the Chinese Cinema. The production values were high and are applauded. The pacing and twists were exciting to keep the viewers on edge.

The Disappointing Factor

The genre of the movie was underdeveloped as compared to other film following the same genre.

In-Depth Analysis

Many Chinese movies focus on the lives of middle-class people living in big cities. This movie is set in a low-tier industrial city. The story revolves around a teenager abandoned by her mother at a young age and ignored by her stepmother. It is a dark story with many twists and turns. The movie portrayed tragic characters with an unhappy endings. The film begins with a dark scene. The characters in the movie were pitiful. They didn’t have much hope in their lives. Shui Qing was ecstatic to see her mother. Qu Ting met her daughter for the first time when she was recovering from hangover after clubbing for the whole night. Qu Ting has dragged her daughter, and her friends into her carefree life. The movie made ample use of contrast between day and night-time. The first half of the film was on daytime activities and the other half took place in the darkness. All the characters had well-developed backstories and were multi-dimensional.

 Star Power

The leading ladies did justice to their roles. They flawlessly portrayed the multidimensional characters. The acting was top-notch, delivered by a superb cast.

Overall Opinion

The film was a brutal stark representation of life. The movie will not leave you satisfied or fulfilled, but it is watchable. The film was meant to be dark, and depressing and it delivers that well.