Drama Review: Mungkorn Chao Phraya





1 Hrs 35 Mins



Drama Digest

Mike is half Thai and half Hongkong. Fang and Mike dated before and their fathers are close friends. Fang goes back to Thailand after their breakup and becomes a teacher. After his father is killed Mike moves to Thailand to investigate his death.

The Feel Good Part

P’ek’s acting is good and action scenes are cool and the storyline is interesting.

The Disappointing Factor

The cast spoke in Northern dialect, the drawback here is P’ek’s speech, he didn’t present the accent well.

In-Depth Analysis

In the story, P’ek plays Mike, who is half Thai and half HongKong. Fang and Mike dated before and their fathers are close friends. N’ek plays Fang, she goes back to Thailand after their breakup and becomes a teacher. After his father is killed Mike moves to Thailand to investigate his death. Tom is a policeman in Thailand. Mike doesn’t trust Tom so he investigates his father’s death himself. Both To and Mike fall in love with Fang. Later they learn that Fang has an adopted son named Fong who was behind the death of Mike’s father. Fong is a close friend of Mike.

Star Power

Everyone improvised their characters through their action.

Overall Opinion

This story is interesting and full of suspense and it has some cool action scenes. The love story is also entertaining to watch.