Drama Review: Zenkamono




Drama Digest

The series is about Kayo Agawa and the situation she encounters. Kayo is a part-time worker at a convenience store and volunteers as a probation officer.

The Feel-Good Part

The series has some crucial issues that society needs to deal with. The realistic approach towards life in jail is an uncommon topic.

The Disappointing Factor

It is a mini-series, so most of the scenes seem to have been rushed. The narrative is a little fast-paced.

In-Depth Analysis

Kayo voluntarily worked at a probation cell as a probation officer. Her work includes helping the convicts. In her working span, she comes across various cases and has a different approach to each one of them. The reality of a probation officer and their difficulties are convincingly shown. Kayo deals with every case differently and tries to understand every issue. She doesn’t have a philosophical approach to the issues. She deals with cases on a practical basis. She makes the convicts know that they can’t escape reality and need to face the consequences of their deeds.

Star Power

The character of Kayo is so unique in its way. Every character had their own story to narrate thus, connecting the audience more. The acting keeps the audience engaged throughout the series.

Overall Opinion

It is a different series from the other manga series. The story is utterly unique and focuses on the addressable issues in society. The series portrayed the real side of the probationary system.