Drama Review: Sensei No Otoriyose





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Drama Digest

The drama revolves around the relationship between a sensual novel essayist, Enomura Haruka, and a masochistic manga artist, Nakata Miruku, who are enthusiastic about each other’s works. A distributing organization demands a joint effort between Haruka Enomura and Miruku Nakada, which leads them to gradually bond over their affection for food delivery.

The Feel-Good Part

The best part about this drama is its focus on embracing differences. The fact that everyone is unique in their own way we should be more welcoming to each other and maybe if things go right a beautiful bond can be created and shared.

The Disappointing Factor

The adaptation of this drama from its original manga version ruins the aesthetics created and offered by the comic book representation. Once illustrations are molded into acting, the narrative takes an utterly new toll on the original text.

In-Depth Analysis

We see that Enomura only prefers human interaction online, which has shaped his personality as an awkward introvert, but when he meets Nakata he changes. The same goes for Nakata, whose ideologies change over time resulting in a wholesome bond between the two characters. The way the characters are introduced at the beginning of the show, and the manner in which they transcend across the episodes is beautifully done in terms of acting and mimicking the original manga.

Star Power

Osamu Mukai and Yukiya Kitamura nail their characters bringing justice to the characters’ personalities and offering their audience a very distinct contrast when compared to each other. The way they maintain their consistency throughout the season is commendable, making the drama very interesting and entertaining.

Overall Opinion

If you are looking for a lighthearted Asian drama and you are a manga fan, you should give this one a watch. You might be interested to see the comic come into action with dialogues and acting depicting characters’ emotions and personalities.