Drama Review: Greece Shinwa Gekijo: Kamigami To Hitobito No Hibi






Drama Digest

Greece Shinwa Gekijo: Kamigami to Hitobito no Hibi is (ギリシャ神話劇場 神々と人々の日々) is a Japanese-origin drama series that hit the television screens on the 6th of April, 2020, to the 22nd of June, 2020. Finished under the direction of Kosuke Masuda and written for the screen by Yusei Naruse, the drama revolves around greek mythological characters, Eros and Icarus. Each segment stretches over fifteen minutes, with a massive total of twelve episodes.

The Feel-Good Part

The story follows the queer relationship between Icarus and Eros. There comes a lot to explore for the writers with the possibility of fantastical features on the side, using Greek mythological elements. Moreover, in the fantasy land, viewers get a chance to escape the rottenness of their current reality. In addition to the comic timing, the production team put considerable effort into designing their outfit, giving it an authentic touch.

The Disappointing Factor

Fans have commented on the failure of directors to get good shots from the actors. As the story progresses, the desire to continue for the viewers dies out slowly and steadily. There, for a fact, remains not a single highlight that can retain the audience back on the screens. Moreover, the use of slapstick comedy seems to have been distastefully done by the performers.

In-Depth Analysis

Being adapted from the manga of the same title by Kosuke Masuda, the story opens with the tales of Eros and Icarus. Eros is the God of love and has the mission of spreading love wherever he travels. With him, Icarus tags along, a fictional legend in Greek mythology who once flew too close to the sun. Eros, owing to his essential characteristics, falls for Icarus, leading to the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. The drama ensues when Icarus receives his strange confession.

Star Power

The cast includes Baba Ryoma as Eros, Sugimoto Jin as Icarus, Kominami Koji as Hercules, Nagata Seiichiro as Achilles, Aikawa Juri as Hades, Izumi Shuhei as Minotaur, and Orakio as Keiron.

Overall Opinion

If you are someone who knows Greek mythology by heart, Greece Shinwa Gekijo: Kamigami to Hitobito no Hibi is the perfect series for you. With over twelve episodes, it becomes easier to binge the television show over the weekend. Moreover, the relationship developing between Eros and Icarus is one to look out for.