Drama Review: BG: Personal Bodyguard 2





0 Hrs 54 Mins



Drama Digest

The private security organization, where Akira Shimazaki (Takuya Kimura) works, is offered to a huge organization and Shimakazi is not happy with his new manager. To remain consistent with his conviction of ensuring the frail, he leaves his job at the private security organization and starts his. Akira Shimazaki starts to work for himself as a private guardian. Masaya Takanashi (Takumi Saito) has a solid feeling of obligation as a guardian. He asks why Akira Shimazaki quit his place of employment at their security organization. To discover, Masaya Takanashi visits Akira Shimazaki.

This Drama was released on June 18 – July 30, 2020. The TV ratings for this drama is 15.6% and I will also go with this rating. The drama contains a total of seven episodes. The runtime of the drama is Thursday at 21:00 hours which is a convenient time to watch as we have less burden during that period.

The Feel-Good Part

The second season is truly incredible! Despite missing the collaboration of the initial season, people equally enjoy the Shimazaki – Takanashi combination in the second season.

The Disappointing Factor

There are a couple of significant changes in this season, most remarkably the series become a mate cop kind of dramatization rather than a crew. Possibly the series is sliced short because of the pandemic. Some scenes can be modified to explain things better. The fundamental plot is somewhat more vulnerable, yet the week-by-week/visitor character is more fascinating rather than the first season. The association between Takanashi and Shimazaki is a gnawed-off for an amigo cop show. Of course, each of the men looks incredible. We cannot help stopping at certain parts and slobbering over them.

On the off chance that the screenwriter has neglected, the group is comprised of not just Kimutaku alone. In any case, every scene appears to spin around him and just him. They’re either in reinforcement or pushed to the foundation with no unmistakable job. Additionally, they don’t appear to have a lot of character advancement. It felt that is tremendous waste because envision you have such countless stories to make for every one of the colleagues. Indeed, even the Chief’s story was momentarily uncovered over a visit. Not that some dislike this sort of account piece, yet it’s not something you go through under five minutes and be finished with. This has next to no effect on the person. Some additionally didn’t like how Takanashis past was uncovered during a short visit with Shimazaki. .

In-Depth Analysis

Directed by Jota Tsunehiro and Go Shichitaka with the story composed by Yumiko Inoue, it stars Takuya Kimura, Yosuke Eguchi, Takumi Saito, Nanao, Shotaro Mamiya, Takaya Kamikawa and Yuriko Ishida. ‘BG: Personal Bodyguard’ is a Japanese TV crime series with different kinds like activity, anticipation, dramatization. Protector keeps a substantial strain all through its thick procedures to make a retaining and compelling suspenseful thrill ride. You should be signed in to proceed.

Star Power

The series is improved by exhibitions beginning from the extra to the lead characters.

Overall Opinion

This coming-off-the-age drama will entertain you if you love the crime genre drama with a shade of mystery.