Drama Review: The Blue Whisper: Part 1






Drama Digest

Have you taken on a task with the intent of beguiling, but it turns out to be something different? Ever fallen in love with someone who cannot be yours? Have you partnered with a sworn enemy?

Well, the series is all about it and is adapted from the novel, the Story of the Shark.

Jun Yun Le is a beautiful, intelligent demon master living in the Wan Hua Valley. She longs to explore the world, but owing to a secret she has to remain in the valley.

On the other hand, Chang Yi is a handsome, kind and sincere merman who has been enslaved by Princess Shunde, an immortal and the elder sister of Emperor. She wants Chang to be her slave for life.

Shunde entrusts Jin with the intent to tame Chang into a human. For this, Jin needs the help of her adopted brother, young master of the valley and her foe: Lin Hao Qing.

Both need to teach Chang to speak, get him to grow legs, and be loyal to the Princess for a considerable reward.

During the process of transformation, Jin and Chang, become closer and fall in love. When this happens, all hell breaks loose.

Will Shunde get Chang to be her slave? Will Jin sacrifice her freedom for Chang? What about the relationship between Jin and Lin?

The series answers all this and more.

The Feel-Good Part

The production and cinematography are spectacular. In addition, the costumes and visuals are super. The entire series is breathtaking.

The Disappointing Factor


In-Depth Analysis

In reality, no person is either good or bad. There are shades of grey in everyone, and the reasons for being so differs with individuals. Also, when you fall for the one who cannot be yours, the rules of the game change.

In the series, Jin Yun Le, a powerful yet kind Demon Master, hope to travel the world, but for a reason stays confined to the Demon Valley.

Chang Yi, is an attractive, earnest merman, who is captured by an influential princess (an immortal) in the valley, Princess Shunde. The princess wants him confined to her for life.

She enlists the help of Jin and her brother Yin (rivals) to convert Chang into a human. Both accept the challenge as they have selfish motives to do so.

But as Jin gets to know Chang better, she falls in love with him. But, to set him free, she has to give up hers. Will she give up her freedom, or will she let him go in the series?

Star Power

Dilraba Dilmurat and Ren Jia Lun are fabulous in their roles, and is supported by a strong cast.

Overall Opinion

If you like fantasy romance, then this is a must-watch.