Drama Review: Hard Memory: Prisoner Under Fire






Drama Digest –

A world having cities with no air and no place of memories. Around 100 years later, human civilization lives in an era fueled with a unique sort of energy, which is different from the present world we live in. This special sort of energy that regulates everything converts people’s memories into energy. Innocent people are jailed and kept hostage to convert their memories into energies. Will someone survive and help the innocent from this hell?

The Feel-Good Part –

The plot is very different and unique in its way. Such shows with ordinary and innocent people who are required to complete specific tasks to escape a World they are put into are always very innovative and interesting to watch. The sets made for the fictional Worlds are also very creative and beautiful. The law of taking innocent and harmless people’s sweet and sour memories to make something they can use for their own expense is obscene and wrong, which is fought against, and it is a unique and new concept.

The Disappointing Factor –

The biggest disappointment of the show is definitely how the main tasks and the scene curated for the respective situations are being curated. Some are not even appropriate and creative to put on the standard and harmless people, and it takes away the fun and lightheartedness of the show. The background scores of the show are poorly curated. Other series made with similar plotlines are much better than this, where the start was nice but then it all got complicated. The immersive segment of the cast gets translated a bit more which gets into giving too much information for the viewer and distracts them.

In-Depth Analysis –

The explanations of each scene along with the ending made are intricate. The sets and locations where the shooting takes place are beautiful and scenic. The apparel and the aesthetics of each character and the shooting area are well-executed. This show is unbelievably high quality, with the editing done a bit different than the other similar spectrum shows being made in the drama industry. The concept of showing the strength of people’s brainpower is highlighted and that brings another charm to the series. It leaves a permanent mark on the viewers.

Star Power –

All the characters of the show are curious and seem real to their acting, and it doesn’t matter to them being a side or guest character. All of them are innovative and creative with their ideas and the routes they choose to come out of the fictional world. They enjoy the time they spend, while stuck in the World sometimes, but most of the time it is difficult for them to survive and thrive. The way the male lead helps every one to get out of this terrible situation and to lead them into normal and sane life is heartwarming and beautiful to watch.

Overall Opinion –

Someone who likes to watch interesting and exciting storylines, this is a worthwhile watch.