Drama Review: Forensic Heroes Season 5






Drama Digest

Season 5 of the popular Chinese TV show Forensic Heroes is a procedural crime-fighting show focused on the work of police officers, coroners, and forensics. It stars the great medical examiner Yu Ser and his good friend, the great medical examiner Van Peking. Both worked closely with Chief Inspector Zheng Ser of the West Kowloon Provincial Crime Unit.

The Feel-Good Part

The show had a few good character arcs and relationships. The stories were shown with a great deal of seriousness. Some of the cases were interesting. The ongoing clown case finally saw an end. The actors did a decent job with a struggling script.

The Disappointing Factor

The show is pointless, silly, and has weak plot progression. There was inconsistent character development and a detrimental portrayal of mental health issues. All romantic relationships suffered from bad writing and no chemistry between the leads.

In-Depth Analysis

Forensic Heroes follows a group of medical officers from the Hong Kong Research Institute and police officers of the Kowloon West Police Headquarters. Investigators working in the hot urban environment of Hong Kong solve crimes using scientific proof obtained by forensic scientists. Season 5 is focused on the work of police officers, coroners, and forensics. It stars the great medical examiner Yu Ser and his good friend, medical examiner Van Peking. Both worked closely with Chief Inspector Zheng Ser of the West Kowloon Provincial Crime Unit. Some of the crimes were worth watching, but they all had twists and turns and were too tiring. After a few episodes, there’s little decent storytelling or real crime-solving. The writers added unnecessary silly surprises and shocks with no added value. The cast consists mainly of veterans with strong fanbases. So, the acting was bearable. The actors did their best with a below-average script.

Star Power

The star power of the show is the main characters. There is nothing worth watching in the show except for the popular actors. The actors are only reasoning the show was even watchable.

Overall Opinion

Overall, Forensic Heroes follows a set of clinical officials and cops. Season 5 is focused on the work of police officers, coroners, and forensics. The writers added unnecessary silly surprises and shocks with no added value. The acting was decent with some interesting cases. But overall it’s not worth it.