Drama Review: Don’t Think Twice, Love’s All Right






Drama Digest

A billionaire, Li Hong Hai, is on a quest to find true love who isn’t only interested in him because of his fortune. By coincidence, he meets Xia Ke Ke, an intelligent and beautiful young designer. Li Hong Hai masks his actual identity while pursuing a romantic relationship with Xia Ke Ke. They get married after falling in love.

After the marriage, Li Hong Hai realizes that Xia Ke Ke has known his financial worth for a long time. He files for divorce angrily, but for the business to go public, the pair must maintain their married status for the next few months.

The Feel-Good Part

This drama is rather fantastic, with the actors’ performances, particularly the starring couples, standing out. They’re both masters at turning a simple plot into something thrilling to see. It also has several comedic plot lines that would make your day. Since the drama portrays a mature love story, it can be a breath of fresh air for many who are tired of the never-ending list of cliché Asian dramas that trend on OTT platforms. The storyline of the lead characters is engaging enough to keep viewers engaged with the drama.

The Disappointing Factor

The drama feels to be stretched unnecessarily with some secondary plot lines that didn’t contribute to the main plotline. Some viewers may find the series too long and boring for a weekend binge-watch. The story also feels foolish and unrealistic at some points. Some viewers may not like the age gap between the older male lead (in his 50s) and the female lead (in her 20s). What should have been an outstanding drama was spoiled by the writers, the production staff, the director, and the overly protracted drama seasons.

 In-Depth Analysis

The titular romance between the leads is truly heart-warming until episode 19, after which the show attempted to backtrack the progress and show the life of the characters after the initial romantic bliss says goodbye. The show executers introduced far too many filler narratives and essentially dumbed down the characters, which took away its charm of being a mature and sensible drama. The usual farce of cunning and poorly written scorned lovers (especially the second woman) needed to be tossed aside to deliver the excellent show in all its glory. However, the second romance keeps a viewer going, which is also the second-best part of the show. The happy ending made this show differ from the many C-dramas we are used to, and therefore, it is good to watch for everyone.

Star Power

The series is like a webtoon brought to life because of the exquisite performance of the actors, both main and lead. Li Yitong is a dynamic actress who pairs well with top male performers, like Chen Jianbin, who has a strong acting career and extensive expertise. They made a cute couple.

Overall Opinion

The drama is fresh with its concept, even though some plot lines are overused. The performance of actors would win the hearts of the viewers. This mature love story with silly, laughable moments is perfect for someone looking for a fresh light-hearted romance.