Drama Review: Breath Of Destiny





00 Hrs 45 Mins



Drama Digest

A team of Chinese medical professionals arrive on a South Pacific Island to carry out a special mission. When the island is stricken by an uncommon natural disaster and they are racing against the flow of time, their mission is thrown into a frenzy. However, they have no clue that unexposed conspiracies stand in the way of their life-saving rescue mission.

The Feel-Good Part

The conceptualisation of the series is fresh and catches the viewer off-guard with its rapid development and exciting pacing. The show does an excellent job in portraying the urgency the doctors feel and the lengths they go to carry out their rescue mission while trying to figure out the mystery behind the outbreak and unfolding the conspiracies intended to sabotage them. The lead pair have excellent chemistry, with contrasting personalities and realistic behaviour. The microcosm of the island and the islanders’ lives is intriguing to watch as well.

The Disappointing Factor

The drama starts strong but starts faltering midway, mainly owing to its 40-episode long length. The show could have been condensed to 20 episodes if the meanderings were limited and the storyline stayed on track. Another problem is the portrayal of saviour-like behaviour of the Chinese medical team while the show completely disregards the natives’ clinical procedures. This almost borders on Chinese propaganda, and it gets slightly uncomfortable to watch things unfold the way they do on screen.

In-Depth Analysis

This show is a mixed bag of pros and cons. It features great acting and screenwriting. The dialogues are well-written, the story is well-paced, especially in the first half,   and the characters are realistic, even when in danger. The love triangle is not too over-the-top, and even the secondary characters are given enough personality to make them appear like real people. The show also balances the elements of thrill, mystery and romance well. At the same time, the propagandistic nature of the show makes it uncomfortable to swallow. There are also too many meanderings in the second half, which make the show tedious.

Star Power

The cast delivers incredible performances, especially Tony Wang and Qi Wei, who are exceptional actors.

Overall Opinion

This is a show that is adequately good and has potential. Whether you would like to watch it or not depends on how much you would like to be comfortable with it