Drama Review: An Eternal Thought






Drama Digest

Firstly, this drama is based on a famous Chinese web novel(a will eternal). It revolves around a rebellious character whose goal is to set out to bring justice to the world. Bai Xiao Chun is a gentle-hearted and free thinker who has a heart of gold. Who sets out a journey to bring peace and justice and also gains friendship and love in others people’s life. Through this drama, you will become a part of his journey, which will give you a sneak peek into a situation he will be into as well as how he will be able to gain friendship and love throughout his journey.

The Feel-Good Part

This drama contains a lot of good aspects that make it worth watching, except the fact that it’s an anime drama. It includes a lot of comedic content in it that are hilarious and some quite dull and weak moments that make it light-hearted as well as a good vibe drama. The graphics are splendid ones that will be eye-catching for the viewers. Besides all the comedy, light moments going on in it, the addition of some actions and the fighting scene is what spices it up more for the viewers. The story is a bit lucid but at the same time smooth too. It has tragedy and political intrigue in it. The tag is not for decorative purposes or with any attention-seeking intentions.

The Disappointing Factor

This drama doesn’t have a lot of negative factors in it, but sometimes some repetitions are unnecessary or out of place, so it’s as if the author itself needs to be reminded, not the reader.
And the typical story of xianxia, when the main character has reached or almost reached its highest cultivation point, the storyline goes quickly which results in sometimes forgetting about the details and other supporting figures that have been raised and mentioned before.

In-Depth Analysis

It tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever but who deeply values friendship and family. The story is placed in a different place than other ones. Now, speaking of the universe, as it’s a novel-based drama, details of the universe are precisely present in the other books and stories that are linked to this specific one, however, it can be considered as a standalone. This whole drama narrates the journey of the main lead and how much he values friendship and love and, being the good-hearted person he is, wants to bring justice, but in doing so, he encounters many failures but hilarious incidents in his life. That leads him to befriend some excellent, perfect, terrific friends.

Star Power

Well, there isn’t much to talk about in this content except that the translation of the whole plot dialogues that are done in such an excellent manner as well as the dubbing of the voice serves with the scenes and characters or events going on. It is suited so well with the feeling that it felt like it was created for that voice only.

Overall Opinion

The story of this drama is something that you will always want to come back and watch at times. It will have you laughing out loud, then other times you will be shaking your head wondering just how low the story can go and how ignorant the other characters can be. Overall, it’s hilarious and worth watching with elements of intense action with interesting villain characters that can be witnessed in it.